Yangtze Gold 1

Classe :

Valutazione: 4.74/5

Programma di ogni giorno

  • Chongqing - Yichang
  • Yichang - Chongqing
Giorno Attività
Il 1giorno Board the ship from 5:00pm to 8:00pm and departs Chongqing at 10:00pm.(Dinner is not included)
Il 2giorno Taichi exercise. Shore excursion to Fengdu Ghost City (8:00-10:00am). Captain’s Welcome Banquet. Captain’s Welcome Dancing Party in Ball Room.
Il 3giorno Learning traditional Chinese Taiji boxing. Sailing through the Qutang Gorge. Shore excursion to Lesser Three Gorges(8:00am-1:00pm). Sailing through Xiling Gorge. Farewell Buffet. Sails through the 5-steps Ship locks.
Il 4giorno Shore excursion to The Three Gorges Dam Site.Arrive in Yichang at 1:00pm.
Giorno Attività
Il 1giorno Board the ship from 06:00pm to 08:00pm and departs Yichang at night--00:00am.(Dinner is not included)
Il 2giorno Taichi exercise. Pass though Xiling Gorge. Shore excursion to Three Gorges Dam Site. Pass though the 5-steps ship locks. Captain’s Welcome Banquet.
Il 3giorno Learning traditional Chinese Taiji boxing. Sailing through the Wu Gorge. Shore excursion to Lesser Three Gorges (8:00am-12:00pm). Sailing through the Qutang Gorge.
Il 4giorno Taichi exercise. Shore excurison to Fengdu Ghost City(8:30am-10:30am). Captain’s Farewell Banquet. Talent Show Party in Ballroom.
Il 5giorno Arrives in Chongqing at 9:00am.

Prezzo include:

  • Ingressi: Escursioni a terra previste nell'itinerario, tranne quella facoltativa.
  • Pasti: Tre giorni di pasti sulla nave, tranne quelli non previsti nell'itinerario..
  • Accomodazione nella cabina come specificato nel momento di prenotazione, include accomodazione della sera prima della partenza di mattina(Tranne Crociera Victoria da Chongqing a Shanghai).
  • Tariffe di servizio & tassa di governo  

Prezzo esclude:

  • Trasferimenti: Tra aeroporto/hotel e terminal di crociera nelle città di partenza/arrivo.
  • Spese Personali: Tutte le spese personali come: lavanderia, bevande, fax, telefonate, attività opzionali, visite turistiche o pasti non inclusi nell'itinerario. itinerary.
  • Supplemento di una stanza singola se si vuole stare in una cabina da solo/a. .
  • Mance alla guida e ai camerieri.


Victoria Jenna
Star Rating:5
Maiden Voyage:2011
Length in m (ft): 136
Width in m (ft): 19.6


Yangtze Gold 1 is the largest and most luxurious cruise on the Yangtze River. It is equipped according to the standard of a deluxe 5-star ship, and is able to provide all the comforts that you may expect.


Yangtze Gold 1 is a new 5-star deluxe cruise ship commencing service in May 2011. It is designed and equipped according to international 5-star hotel standards, including a luxurious revolving open air lobby. The length of the ship is 136 meters and is 19.6 meters wide. There are 148 cabins onboard, accommodating a total capacity of 350 passengers. Each cabin has a private balcony with full-length observation window and is furnished with unique and refined interior decoration.

Facilities onboard include commercial pedestrian streets, an open-air swimming pool, Chinese and western cafeteria, mini-golf course, dancing halls, bars, banquet halls, beauty salon, massage room and a large-scale movie theater.Rooms are not internet equipped and the ship has internet cafes which can be used for a fee(RMB20/hour and RMB300/per person for whole cruise ).

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Trip Advisor rating Valutato 5 su 5| 98.8% Excellenza
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Travel Service Co., LTD
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Indirizzo: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China